What's The Right VPN For Expats: The Expat Edition

What do you miss from home?

Part of the expat experience is hanging onto a few cherished things from where you call home. For most people it is food. For the rest, it is usually television. Most English speaking expats are from the United States. This post is geared towards them. Whatever it is, you want safe, affordable and reliable options.

You want to watch current movies, series and or live television from the US?

If you want to watch TV in Lima or Netflix, Hulu, Disney+,  or Amazon from the US, you are going to have to use a reliable VPN. Hulu, for example is completely blocked without a high quality VPN. Netflix and Amazon will allow you to access a country specific version of their service. The reasons for this are many, but first and foremost is their licensing agreements are limited to specific markets. Peru has quite a lot of current programming from the US.  You do need to have a cable or satellite subscription. For live over the air broadcast stations, there is locast.org, a streaming service for US residents. It unfortunately also requires a VPN.

Interested in older programming?

 There are a lot of free streaming services now available in the US. All require you to be located in the US. Pluto.tv, Stirr, XUMO, Tubi, IMDB, Vudu, Crackle, and others.  Our personal favorite at Gringo Taxis is Pluto.TV, check it out and find out why!

Lots of options so, how do you access it?

We’ve mentioned a lot of really cool resources, but not how to actually watch Expat telly (television for those in north America) in Lima. To do that, you need access to a Virtual Private Network, or VPN for short.  A VPN service is a secure service for expat TV that tricks websites and apps into thinking you are located somewhere within the geographic region of the particular server you connect to, regardless of your actual physical location. Providers hate it and are constantly playing a cat and mouse game with VPN providers.

What service do you recommend? How much does it cost? Are they safe?

We at Gringo Taxis  recommend ExpressVPN for expat TV in Peru, they provide safe and secure services at affordable prices, just like we do when it comes to your transportation needs. ExpressVPN costs about $8 a month based on a 15 month commitment, more for month to month service.  VPN providers are generally trustworthy, but always verify by checking independent reviews online. Whatever it is, you want safe, affordable and reliable options. Others to consider: NordVPN.

What about free VPN services?

We do not recommend that you use free services as you really do get what you pay for! Your information may not be secure and there are a lot of limitations with free services.

Want to read more of our interesting blog posts?

Checkout these posts: Aero Peru Returns, or Spring has Sprung.

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