Immortal Collection

The Immortal Collection is inspired by recent events both here in Perú and worldwide.

Currently all T-shirts are black representative of a darker time in the world, from one political crisis after another, to the economic impact worldwide from the recent Covid medical crisis.


Our Immortal Collection T-shirts are designed to get people talking, not about choosing side’s. We designed them to make people think and talk about what’s too much, about how far is too far and the economic impact everything we do effects the less fortunate.


Literally everything we do, as well as every government (no matter which side of the fence you’re on) has an impact on everyone, not just ourselves.


Quality T-shirts

We have searched long and hard for top quality T-shirts and stamping. Our shirts are unlike the low quality T-shirts you find in the local mercados in Perú. After all no one wants to buy something that falls apart in a week.


Perfect Gifts

Immortal Collection
This Collection will no doubt bring lot’s of conversation to the party

The Immortal Collection is the perfect gift for that Peruvian family you’re coming to see. The T-shirts will no doubt spark conversation. Along with that you may get a bit of history of Perú. Or learn what it’s really like living here outside of the Expat Bubble.

Immortal Collection Back
Twice the fun is even better


Two Languages

All our T-shirts are sold in both Spanish and English at no additional costs.


And while our T-shirts are in both Spanish and English, we only sell these high quality, thought provoking T-shirts in Perú.


Pricing & Delivery

Pricing includes shipping to the local bus terminal in your area (area must be served by Cruz de Sur). Purchases made by incoming or outgoing passengers will be delivered by the driver at the time of service. Delivery in Lima is to your home address. Our pricing is further caused by insanely high processing agents commission per transaction.


T-Shirt Size’s

T-shirt size reference
Size reference for our XXL

Size’s from Medium to XXL are available.

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