Making Peru Expat Travel Easy
This week we’d like to take a moment to thank some of our biggest supporters.
Peru expat travel is a challenge! We help you with transportation and our friends will help you navigate life and the language.
New Peruvian – http://www.newperuvian.com/ A longtime member of the Peru expat community. An invaluable source of information about gringo life in Peru, and for anyone else wishing to visit or live in Peru. Need help with Peru expat travel? New Peruvian is an independent travel guide, aimed primarily at independent travelers and not necessarily about Lima expats or Peru expats. Its main reason for existing is to help you get the most out of your trip to Peru, be it for five days or five months. You’ll find detailed city guides, practical travel tips, and information about Peruvian food, culture and more. It’s also here to inspire. The feature articles and photo stories will hopefully give you that final push to buy a plane ticket and fly out to explore what is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating countries in South America.
Tourism or the Expat Experience? We’ve got you covered!
Streets of Lima – https://streetsoflima.com/ Is a popular source of information for over 11 years. On this page you will find a plethora of information regarding what to see and do in the greatest city in the world: Lima, Peru! Most tour books completely overlook how wonderful a city Lima is. Sure, sure, like any metropolis in a far off land, there are things that seem strange until you know the local lingo, but for some reason the fears about Lima have been totally overblown. The one shining jewel that Lima has which makes it sparkle more brightly than any other South American capital is its warm and accommodating people. Yes, the people in Lima are among the friendliest, hardest-working, and simply the best I have ever met anywhere I have ever been (and I’ve been a lot of places).
Need help with the language and culture?
Viva Idiomas – http://www.vivaidiomas.com/ VIVA is an excellent Spanish school and has amazing teachers. They have been serving the international expat community for many years and have a stellar reputation. They offer very affordable prices and teach many languages. The best part about Viva is that they also teach you about the culture and history of Peru. If you decide to signup for classes, be sure to mention GringoTaxis!
Peru Expat Travel?
Life in Peru – Expat Support – https://www.facebook.com/groups/LivinginLimaExpatSupport/ Is a private group on Facebook dedicated to helping travelers and expats navigate life in Peru and the challenges it presents. The fastest growing moderated forum to share information and ask questions about living in Peru. In the name of civility, no political posts are allowed. With almost 7,400 active members, it is the best resource for those thinking about traveling to or living in Peru.
Got An Idea For A Website But Don't Know Who To Trust
I met Kevin about a year ago, just before the Covid virus hit us hard here in Peru. Kevin took my website by the horns and did some amazing things to get things squared away. He’s always been fairly priced as well.
If you’re just looking for someone to market your website he does that as well. Either way if it’s internet related contact him. he’ll take good care of you, as he did me. Here’s his website